10 Reasons I'm a Cessatonist
I hate the term Cessationist. To me it’s like marrying the girl of your dreams then choosing to describe yourself as 'de-engaged’. It places the emphasis solely upon the fact that something has ceased - overlooking the profound reason that that something has ceased. Namely because something new and beautiful has taken it’s place. For a newly-wed the tortuous engagement period has ceased. It has ceased because it has been replaced by a new and beautiful period - marriage. No longer is the relationship characterised by incompleteness, uncertainty and waiting but rather the opposite - fulness, security, certainty, wholeness and peace. So too with Cessationism. What has ceased is the period in which God’s revelation was incomplete. And it has ceased because God has spoken fully and finally through His Son (Hebrews 1:1). With that said - until I can come up with a better term I do describe myself as a cessationist. Now before give you a few reasons why first a couple of definitions ...